
Friday, April 02, 2004


There is a supposed whistleblower who is now saying that our govt agencies had warnings months before 9-11 that planes were going to be used in a terrorist attack in major cities in the US. Read about it here. If this is true (the White House is trying to invoke more priveleges to suppress her statements) that is almost unfathomable. She is supposedly reliable (as was testified in 2002) Why would warnings such as that be ignored? I guess we have to wait and see what transpires. Here is an excerpt from the article

Mrs Edmonds, 33, says she gave her evidence to the commission in a specially constructed "secure" room at its offices in Washington on 11 February. She was hired as a translator for the FBI's Washington field office on 13 September 2001, just two days after the al-Qa'ida attacks. Her job was to translate documents and recordings from FBI wire-taps.

She said said it was clear there was sufficient information during the spring and summer of 2001 to indicate terrorists were planning an attack. "Most of what I told the commission ­ 90 per cent of it ­ related to the investigations that I was involved in or just from working in the department. Two hundred translators side by side, you get to see and hear a lot of other things as well."

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Name: Corey
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I'm on a journey with no destination. The path is constantly changing direction but there are always adventures to be had. "Never" and "always" have left my lexicon.

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